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What is VERO?

Empowering Applicants with Equitable Access to Housing

Chelsea avatar
Written by Chelsea
Updated over a week ago

VERO makes rental housing secure and fair for all. The workflow is purpose-built for renters to gain visibility, control, and trust in the application process.

Apply With Confidence

VERO Leasing Process

  • Bank-level security and encryption

    • Ensure personal and financial data is safe at every step of the process

  • Full Control

    • Control over how personal and financial data is used in the lease application

  • Complete transparency

    • Gain full transparency into application strength and leasing process

  • Save time with MAGIC LINK

    • Applicants can get started from anywhere with Magic Link’s unique URLs and QR codes

Apply On Your Own Terms

  • Review Your Application Before Submission

    • See something wrong? Fix it before submitting the application. For the first time, provide context around any data presented or upload additional documents to strengthen your candidacy.

  • Only Share What is Required

    • Securely connect to bank account and employer data with a one-time connection to retrieve relevant information, showing managers only the data they need and nothing more.

  • Remove Human Error

    • Handing over bank statements or emailing pay stubs creates the potential for exposure of your personal information. VERO’s data is ported directly from its original sources, reducing the risk of something going wrong.

Apply With Confidence

Secure Authentication

Providing bank account, employee, and payroll information offline or by an insecure upload is risky business. Providing sensitive information from your bank account and payroll can be risky when handled offline or by an insecure upload. VERO employs bank-level technology and the highest industry-standard methods to secure your data.

VERO’s end-to-end data encryption, logical and physical access controls, continuous monitoring, and thread detection ensure your personal and financial information is protected.

VERO is compliant with the following nationally-recognized security certifications and organizations:

SOC Accredited

PIC Accredited

DDS Accredited

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